561-231-9294 [email protected]

2021 Florida SPORT Taekwondo STATE Open and tEAM tRIALS

March 6, 2021
Register Now


DATES:    March 5th & 6th 2021

March 5th Registration and Credential pick-up (4pm to 8pm)  

                   March 6th FST State Open (8am to 8pm)

LOCATION: The Chain of Lakes Fieldhouse and Conference Center

210 Cypress Gardens Blvd., Winter Haven, Florida 33880

REGISTRATION: To Register for FST’s State Open and Team Trial at www.FLaTKD.com or  


Florida State Taekwondo Open Championships:

WEIGH-IN & CREDENTIAL PICKUP:  FST’s State Open Registration is on Friday & Saturday, on Friday from 4:00pm to 8:00pm and from 8:00am till 10:30am on Saturday. 

ENTRY FEES:      Early Registration (Ends February 28th) Fee $85 Main Event and $25 per each additional event, Pair and Team Poomsae and Demo Team are all just charged as additional Events per person;

Final/Late/Day Of Event (Begins March 1st) Registration Fee is $95 Main event and $35 per each additional event.

SPECTATORS:     General admission is $15 –children 5 and under are free.

 COVID-19 & HEALTH AND SAFETY RULES:  These Rules may be amended as we get Closer to the event, please watch you email for updates; All who are to enter the Event Venue will go through a Temperature Check and if anyone has a Temp of 100.4 or above you will not be allowed to enter. Once you enter the venue, all will must wear a facemask, covering both your nose and mouth completely, at all times or the Venue Security must and will ask you to leave.

At the rings, currently, athletes and coaches must wear a facemask. All facemasks have to cover Your Nose and Mouth Completely.

All Rings will have hand sanitizer available and gloves for Judges and Referee’s. Any equipment provided by the Event will be disinfected prior to use and the Athlete must return the equipment from where they received it themselves, you cannot hand it off to someone else, such as your coach or the referee.

There will be hand sanitizer at all entrances and exits of the Competition Area. The Venue has 2 floors top floor is spectator only area and all must always wear a facemask.  On the competition floor only the competitors which have been called to holding are allowed and only 2, spectators are allowed on the competition floor while their athlete is competing. At registration, credential pick up and weigh-In everyone must wear a facemask which covers your nose and mouth completely, an athlete can have only 1 person with them.

Mandated Facial Covering and Social distance guidelines must be adhered to at all times as well as wearing a facemask, there will be no exceptions to this, as the Venue and local Officials can close and cancel the event at any time for non-adherence to the COVID-19 and their Health and Safety Rules.

COACHES:  Coach Registration Fee $50. Coaches for every 10 athletes you bring you will receive a free coaches pass, if you already paid we will reimburse you. At the ring, all coaches are required to wear a Facemask at all times and the mask must be cover completely Your Nose and Mouth, there is no exception to this and if a Coach removes his/her mask for any reason your Athlete will receive a “GamJeom” Penalty.

DEADLINE:  REGISTRATION DEADLINE – Early Registration ends February 28th, 2021 and Final/Late/Same Day Registration Begins March 1st and ends 11am March 6th, 2021;

RANKS:  The FST’s State Open Event divisions and all recognized ranks and ages are: White, Yellow, Green, Blue, Red, and Black Belts (A Poom Belt is a Black Belt). Age Brackets All Belts – (4-5), (6-7), (8-9), (10-11), (12-14), (15-17), (18 – 32), (33-40), (41-50) & (Over 50)              

ELECTRONIC SCORING EQUIPMENT:  Florida State Taekwondo Open Event:

  • All Individual Black Belt Poomsae competitors will be Electronically Scored.
  • Sparring Divisions will be using PSS Equipment (DaeDo Gen 2), all Red and Black Belts 10 years old and up will utilize standard PSS Equipment and World Class Black Belt Divisions- Cadet, Junior and Senior Divisions will have e-Head Gear and full electronic scoring).

OFFICIALS:        Master Mark Antonucci, President Florida Sport Taekwondo Federation (561)-231-9294 or [email protected]

Tournament Director Master Angelito Ong

Referee Chairman Master Jin Hwan Hwang

EVENTS:  The following list of Events are not the order for the day of competition, but an outline to match the Attachments to follow. 


FST State Open Uniform Requirements, All Competitors must where a Taekwondo V-Neck Uniform with appropriate trim on the collar. Only Black Belts with Black collar and Poome Belts with Poome collar and for all events and the Competitor has the right to wear a WT recognized Poomsae Uniform during Poomsae Competition. All Sparring competitors must wear WTF style uniform, white, red or blue headgear (if red or blue headgear must matched with chest protector color) and, red and blue reversible chest protector, forearm guard, shin and instep guard, groin cup (males and females worn inside) and mouthpiece. Each competitor must provide his or her own equipment.

ELECTRONIC SCORING EQUIPMENT:  FST State Open; All Black Belt Sport Poomsae competitors will have electronic scoring. Electronic Sparring divisions (Modified WT rules), all Red and Black Belts 10 years old and up will utilize standard PSS Equipment. We will supply the Daedo Electronic chest guards. PARTICIPANTS ARE REQUIRED TO SUPPLY THEIR OWN DAEDO electronic socks. GEN 1 or 2 electronic socks are allowed but Gen 2 is recommended. You must supply you own Daedo electronic socks (Either Gen 1 or 2 electronic socks are allowed). If you do not have the electronic socks, you may purchase them at https://www.tkdscore.com/     

Entry Requirements / Fees

  • Registration entry fee is $85 for the first event and $25 for each additional event per participant. Registration for Coaches Credential is $50.  Register online at Flatkd.com or https://www.martial.events/en/events/2021-florida-sport-taekwondo-state-open by March 20, 2020. NO refunds.
  • Late Entries will be accepted (Final/Late/Day of Event) (Begins March 1st ends 10:30 am March 6th, 2021) Late Registration Fee is $95 Main event and $35 per each additional event.
  • Same day of competition registration will be allowed but is firmly cut off at 10:30 am, No exceptions.
  • No coaches will be allowed in the competition area without coaching credentials. No parents or spectators will be allowed in the competition area.
  • Each participant and Spectator must complete an Individual Entry Form and Waiver of Liability and submit them by the entry deadline or register online at Flatkd.com or for Participants use this link https://sparkpages.io/forms/?frm=Axi and for Spectators https://sparkpages.io/forms/?frm=Bxi
  • Applicants should enter their weight, in pounds, in the field labeled “Body Weight or Weight”.
  • Applicants should enter their Taekwondo school name in the field labeled “Club Name”.
  • Color belt Applicants may enter the following events (sparring, breaking, weapons, standard/traditional forms). Black Belts may enter the following events (sparring, breaking, power breaking (18 and above only), weapons, standard/traditional forms, WTF/USAT Sport Poomsae individual, pair and/or team forms).
  • Team Poomsae events may consist of 3 male or 3 female athletes competing as a “team”. Pair Poomsae events may consist of 1 male and 1 female athlete competing as a “pair”.
  • Breaking boardsmust be purchased at the competition venue upon check-in. The Tournament Director must approve all breaking boards. All breaking competitors must supply their own holders.
  • Standard Breaking can only be up to a max of 5 techniques and have a time limit of 1 minute for setup and clean up. No concrete stations (blocks) can be used in standard breaking only Power Breaking.
  • Power Breaking will consist of ONLY 1 station and the participant may utilize any of the following materials: wood, cement, brick, tile, granite. The center referee will make ringside inspection of the breaking materials. The participants will be REQUIRED to provide all cement, brick, tile, and granite.
  • ** Tournament Director may grant a waiver to the weigh-in day requirement on a case-by-case basis and at his sole discretion.
  • Tournament directors will break competitors into weight divisions.
  • **Divisions may be modified by at the sole discretion of the tournament directors**

Sport Rules

  • This tournament will be conducted in accordance to modified World Taekwondo and USA Taekwondo rules of competition.
  • All USA Taekwondo Junior Safety Rules apply. 11 and under color belt divisions and 7 and under black belt divisions may not kick the head. 8-9 and 10-11 black belts are allowed head contact under Junior Safety Rules (light head contact). 12 and up color belts will be allowed head contact under Junior Safety rules. 12 -14 Black Belt Cadet – under World Class (adult rules). Only 12-14 World Class competitors are eligible for entry into the Scholarship lottery.
  • For sparring competition, WT / USATKD Modified Rules will be used.
  • For Standard/Traditional Forms competition, any recognized Korean form is acceptable. For WT/USATKD Sport Poomsae forms, please see designated poomsae listed below and it will follow a modified cut-off method for competition 12 or less final round; 13 + preliminary and final rounds.
  • Competitors must provide their own headgear (White or Blue & Red), chest protectors (Blue or Red), forearm protectors, shin and instep protectors, mouth guards and protective cups, WT approved hand protectors are optional. Uniforms should be white V-neck Taekwondo style for color belts and V-neck black collar for all Black Belts. All Red and Black Belts 10 years old and up will use the Daedo Electronic chest protectors. These items will be provided at tournament. You must supply you own Daedo electronic socks (Either Gen 1 or 2 electronic socks are allowed). If you do not have the electronic socks, you may purchase them at https://www.tkdscore.com/


  • Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals will be awarded to the top three finishers in each event. Two Bronze medals will be awarded in sparring and WT/USATKD Poomsae divisions.
  • A team trophy will be awarded to the top Taekwondo School, with the largest number of participants. In case of a tie, the tie break will be based upon the number of 1st place finishes by each school. Please be sure to indicate your TKD school name when completing your registration form.

Contact Information:

Master Mark Antonucci, CEO Florida Sport Taekwondo Federation – 561-231-9294 or [email protected]

Master Angelito Ong, Tournament Director – [email protected] – 352-438-9455

Master Jin Hwan Hwang, Referee Chairman – [email protected]


Event Registration: https://www.martial.events/en/events/2021-florida-sport-taekwondo-state-open

Mandatory Waivers for Attendance:

Participants: https://sparkpages.io/forms/?frm=Axi

Spectators: https://sparkpages.io/forms/?frm=Bxi

 Electronic Sparring Equipment and Tournament Vendor: https://www.tkdscore.com/



    CREDENTIAL PICK UP, WEIGH-IN and COACHES MEETING at The Chain of Lakes Fieldhouse and Conference Center, Gymnasium:

    • Registration and Credential Pick-Up is on Friday & Saturday. Registration, Credential Pick-Up & Weigh-In March 5th, from 4pm – 8pm, Saturday from 8am to 10:30am.

    Coaches must register in advance online. There will be the Coaches Meeting on Saturday, March 6th at 8:30am

    Schedule of Events

    (schedule and events may be changed or amended as needed)

    FRIDAY – March 5th, 2021

    4:00 pm            Credential Pick Up and Weigh In (4pm to 8pm)

    6:00 pm            Referee Seminar (6 pm – 8 pm Dinner Included)

    SATURDAY- March 6th ,2021

    8:00 am            Venue Doors Open

    8:00 am            Registration Continues for Saturday (8am to 10:30am)

    8:30 am            Referee Meeting

    8:30 am            Mandatory Coach Meeting 

    8:45 am            Initial Call for Competitors to the Holding Area

    8:50 am            Opening Ceremonies

    9:00 am            Competition Events Begin


    Sports Poomsae Black Belts

                                 Pairs / Team Poomsae

    9:00 am          Weapons

    9:00 am          Breaking

    9:30 am          Poomsae Traditional Poomsae – Taeguk – Palgwe – ITF All Competitors, Color Belts & All Ages

    12:00 pm        Olympic World Class Sparring – Cadet, Junior & Senior

    12:30 pm        Color Belt Sparring All Competitors, All Belts & All Ages

    3:00 pm                   Demonstration Team Competition

    • Color Belt and Black Belt Sparring will occur simultaneously
    • Color Belt and Black Belt Sparring will occur simultaneously
    • Divisions maybe called out of order to expedite the event

    Description of Events

    Ranking and Ages:  The FST’s State Open Event divisions and all recognized ranks and ages are:

    White, Yellow, Green, Blue, Red, and Black Belts (A Poom Belt is a Black Belt).

    Age Brackets All Belts – (4-5), (6-7), (8-9), (10-11), (12-14), (15-17), (18–32), (33-40), (41-50) & (Over 50)

    Olympic Style Gyoroogi – WT/USAT Scoring (Sparring):

    • Black Belts

    Gyoroogi (Sparring):

    • White Belts
    • Yellow / Orange Belts
    • Green Belts
    • Blue / Purple Belts
    • Red / Brown Belts
    • Black Belts

    Goypka (Breaking):

    • White Belt
    • Yellow / Orange Belt
    • Green Belt
    • Blue / Purple Belt
    • Red / Brown Belt
    • Black Belt

    Power Breaking:
    18+ Black Belt Only


    • White Belt
    • Yellow / Orange Belt
    • Green Belt
    • Blue / Purple Belt
    • Red / Brown Belt
    • Black Belt

    Sport Poomsae Competition Black Belts Only – WT/USAT Scoring (Poomsae Pro)

    Poomsae (Forms) – All Black Belt 1st-9th Dan

    Individual – Male & Female Divisions:

    • Youth (10-11)
    • Cadet (12-14)
    • Juniors (15-17)
    • 1st Senior (18-30)
    • 2nd Senior (31-40)
    • 1st Master (41-50)
    • 2nd Master (51-60)
    • 3rd Master (61+)

    Traditional Poomsae (Forms) –

    Taeguk, Palgwe, ITF, any recognized taekwondo forms:

    • White Belt
    • Yellow / Orange Belt
    • Green Belt
    • Blue / Purple Belt
    • Red / Brown Belt
    • Black Belt / 1st Dan / Poom – Koryo
    • Black Belt / 2nd Dan / Poom – Keumgang
    • Black Belt / 3rd Dan / Poom – Taebaek
    • Black Belt / 4th Dan & above – Poomsae of your Rank and Choice of Pyongwon or above.

    Pairs – Co-Ed (should be 1 male & 1 female pair member):

    • 14 and under (10-14)
    • Juniors (15-17)
    • 1st Pair (18-30)
    • 2nd Pair (31 +)

    Team – Male & Female Divisions (should be all male or all female team members):

    • 14 and under (10-14)
    • Juniors (15-17)
    • 1st Team (18-30)
    • 2nd Team (31 +)


    • All color belts with color tips will compete within the division of their belt color (i.e. blue belt with brown tip, entry division will be blue).
    • Event Director has the right to change the competitor’s weight division and categories as deemed necessary.
    • All applicants participating in the WT/USATKD Sport Poomsae competition will be required to present the designated poomsae as indicated below for their division and belt.
    • Individual Black Belt Poomsae Competitors can only compete in either Sport Poomsae or Traditional Poomsae not both.
    • Electronic scoring will be used for all divisions.
    • Sparring competition will be single elimination for all Color Belts and Black Belts.
    • All Red and Black Belts 10 years old and up will use Daedo Electronic chest guards. PARTICIPANTS ARE REQUIRED TO SUPPLY THEIR OWN DAEDO electronic socks. GEN 1 or 2 electronic socks are allowed but Gen 2 is recommended. You must supply you own Daedo electronic socks (Either Gen 1 or 2 electronic socks are allowed). If you do not have the electronic socks, you may purchase them at https://www.tkdscore.com/

     Age & Weight Classes

    White, Yellow, Green, Blue, Red, and Black Belts (A Poom Belt is a Black Belt).

    Age Brackets All Belts – (4-5), (6-7), (8-9), (10-11), (12-14), (15-17), (18–32), (33-40), (41-50) & (Over 50)

    Poomsae (Forms – Standard/Traditional) / Goypka (Breaking – Standard)

    • Junior Age Divisions: (4-5), (6-7), (8-9), (10-11), (12-14), (15-17)
    • Men/Women Age Divisions: (18 – 32), (33-40), (41-50) & (Over 50)

    Goypka – Power Breaking – Black Belt only

    • Men/Women Age Divisions: 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, and 50+

    Gyoroogi (Sparring), weight Classes will be Divided -Light Middle or Heavy

    • Color belt Junior Age Divisions: (4-5), (6-7), (8-9), (10-11), (12-14), (15-17), (18–32), (33-40), (41-50) & (Over 50)
    • Black belt Junior Age Divisions: (4-5), (6-7), (8-9), (10-11), (12-14), (15-17), (18–32), (33-40), (41-50) & (Over 50)
    • Men/Women Age Divisions: (4-5), (6-7), (8-9), (10-11), (12-14), (15-17), (18–32), (33-40), (41-50) & (Over 50)



    If you are in need of a group booking or just general help, please email: [email protected] and we will try to assist you in any way we can.

    LEGOLAND Beach Retreat 3-star Hotel

    100 Legoland Way, Winter Haven, FL 33884(863) 318-5400



    • Room Rate: $139/Night for King or Double Queen rooms
    • Hotel Contact Number: if necessary, email –
    • Deadline to Reserve: February 21st, 2021
    • Hotel Information & Accommodations for Participants: Complimentary Breakfast included (Grab and Go), Complimentary WiFi, Complimentary Self-Parking, On-Site Laundry Facilities

     Courtyard by Marriott Winter Haven-

    6225 Cypress Gardens Blvd SE, Winter Haven, FL 33884 – (863) 292-3000

    For Room Reservations here please email [email protected]

    • Room Rate: $159/Night for King or Double Queen rooms
    • Deadline to Reserve: February 21st, 2021
    • Hotel Information & Accommodations for FST Staff and Participants: Complimentary Hot Breakfast, Complimentary WiFi, Complimentary Parking, Fitness Center, Pool, Laundry Services, Business Center, Refrigerator in room, Service Animals only allowed


    Host Location

    AdventHealth Fieldhouse & Conference Center
    210 Cypress Gardens Blvd.
    Winter Haven, Florida 33880

    For More Information Please Contact:

    CEO Florida Sport Taekwondo Federation

    Master Mark Antonucci
    (561) 231-9294 or [email protected] 

    Tournament Director Master Angelito Ong

                          Referee Chairman Master Jin Hwan Hwang